You must agree with me, RSS is a wonderful thing. I have a personal page, eg. a portfolio called
"Phoenixheart's homepage". To display some extras (like my Yahoo! 360 blog, my updates on eSnips, my pictures on Flickr etc.) all I have to do is including some PHP RSS reader classes on my page, add the corresponding feeds, and voila, it is filled up with those contents without much effort.
So today I came up with an idea: I'll add a "My Wincustomize page" on my Skidvn. First I checked
my WC personal page for the famous small orange icon. There it was, right on the top-right corner, with a RSS link:
I told myself "Ok, all done. You need a feed, they provide a feed, it's great!".
No, I was totally wrong. My RSS reader could read nothing!
Can you guess? The RSS link points to NOTHING! When I tried clicking the link above, it showed "The page cannot be displayed".
Did I do something wrong? Or simply I didn't publish my feed?